Our Orthopaedic Services Include:

  • Adult Fracture Care
  • Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Foot and Ankle Surgery
  • Hand Surgery
  • Spine Surgery
  • Sports Medicine
  • Shoulder Care and Surgery
  • Total Knee Joint Replacement
  • Total Hip Joint Replacement
  • Work-Related Injuries
  • Examination and consultation by orthopaedists at the top of their field.
  • Imaging in our radiology department by board-certified radiologists with up-to-date training on advanced technological equipment.
  • Nationally respected, highly skilled surgeons, when required, assisted by anesthesiologist experts in the most advanced, effective and safe pain control methods.
  • Skilled and experienced Orthopaedic Physician Assistants providing round-the-clock coverage.
  • Physical therapists whose knowledge, training and expert methods promote faster healing and help you return to normal activity levels.
  • Dedicated pain management physician for one-on-one consultation to create an individualized plan of care.
Advanced Technologies

Always staying ahead of the curve, Connecticut Orthopaedic Institute offers patients a variety of innovative solutions in orthopaedic surgery.