Same-Day Total Joint Replacements

The Connecticut Orthopaedic Institute offers certain qualified patients the option to receive a total joint replacement and the ability to be back in their home the same day.

This means the patient does not stay overnight in the hospital after their surgery, a comforting option for patients who would prefer to start their recovery at home as soon as possible. In general, this option is for patients who are under 80 years old with no significant past medical history and are prepared to go home the same day of their surgery. Same-day surgeries include partial knee replacement, total knee replacement, and total hip replacement.

Same-day joint replacement surgeries are scheduled early in the day to give patients as much time for recovery at the hospital as possible, while still going home the same day. While in the hospital, patients have access to the same exceptional services as overnight patients. Same-day joint replacement patients have an advanced practitioner, nurse, and physical therapist assigned to them, as well as meal delivery. There are well-defined discharge criteria that helps ensure the patient is safe for a successful transition home.

Pre-operative preparation is similar to our current process. All patients will receive a patient guidebook that is specific to this program and must attend an in-person total hip or knee education class. If for some reason a patient can’t attend, one of our nurse navigators will arrange a one-on-one session. All patients must have pre-operative medical clearance through our Preadmission Center and work with their surgeon's office ahead of time to ensure that prescriptions, durable medical equipment (DME), and homecare services (visiting nurse and/or therapist) is complete ahead of time.

Connecticut Orthopaedic Institute at St. Vincent's Medical Center